
Why Generation C is a bunch of B......S

Nielsen has just created the moniker "Generation C" for the current group of 18-34 year-olds. The C stands for "Connected." Here is a link to the Nielsen post for reference. (And a Mashable article for good measure.)

I don't recognize Generation C, D, E, or anything past Gen Y.  The differences between the generations are becoming too subtle - they are changes in scale and capacity, not major shifts.


The teens of today have most of the same digital experiences as their parents. They grey up with computers, cell phones, and are considered digital natives.  When you compare that to Gen X or Gen Y, you see significant cultural differences between the parents and their kids - today....not so much.  Heck - there are even reality shows where the Mom's and the teen daughters are each others bff.  When the Mom and the Teen are peers - and sharing the same technological culture - you just simply don't have generation gaps!

Nielsen gets an "F" for Gen C. 


1 comment:

  1. Great and striking piece, i really enjoyed this piece. thanks
